Haunted by the suspicious death of his ailing mother, Ali, a university professor coerces his enigmatic gardener to execute a cold-blooded act of vengeance. As long-buried family secrets resurface, the police tighten their noose, and doubts begin eroding his conscience, Ali has no choice but to look into the abyss of his own soul.
Cast & crew
Ekin Koç (Burning Days)
Erkan Kolçak Köstendil
Hazar Ergüçlü (The Wild Pear Tree)
Ercan Kesal (Once Upon a Time in Anatolia)
Elisa Sepulveda-Ruddoff for Fulgurance & Cyriac Auriol for Remora Films
Mariusz Włodarski
Marta Gmosińska for Lava Films (The Girl with the Needle, Apples, Sweat)
Alireza Khatami for Tell Tall Tale
Michael Salomon for Band With Pictures
Ekin Koç with Cenk Ünalerzen at Sineaktif